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■弊翻訳會社「新譯通翻訳有限公司」 お問い合わせ

Talents Wanted

Category Terms Remarks
Full-Time Translation Proficient in Chinese and English with extensive professional aspects. Hard working, initiative, possessing teamwork spirit.
Marketing & Customer Relation Managers Powerful PR and market exploring skill, excellent in planning. Positive and initiative, beleiving in the concept "Customers are God". Must be Beijing residents
Full-Time First Grade Translators Possessing official certificate of First Grade Translators
Part-Time Translation Experienced translators with one or more specialties
Part-Time Interpretors Experienced interpretors with fluent spoken languages, mastering one or more specialties
International or Outstation Partners Excellent in translation in Chinese and foreign language and vice versa; willing to abide by regulations set forth by this company
Methods and requirements for the recruit of part-time translators by Oriental Diligence Translation Co., Ltd.
  1. You may contact us through Oriental Diligence vacancy ads, recruitment agencies, company web page, recommendation by friends, or any other means.
  2. Tell us your name, address and mode of contact either by phone, letter, fax or email.
  3. We will then send you registration form in return.
  4. Together with the registration form, we will send you a sample of document for translation. You are required to translate the sample personally before mailing back to us for appraisal by our foreign experts.
  5. If your translation passes our evaluation, you will be appointed for an interview, signing of agreement for cooperation and secrecy oath.
  6. Upon completion of above procedure, you will be assigned to start translating work. After a few trials upon confirmation of your standard, you will become our part-time translator officially.






英語翻訳 フランス語翻訳 ドイツ語翻訳 イタリア語翻訳    繁體中國語―香港
ロシア語翻訳 スペイン語翻訳 ポルトガル語翻訳 スウェーデン語翻訳
デンマーク語翻訳 ハンガリー語翻訳 チェコ語翻訳 スロバキア語翻訳
ポーランド語翻訳 オランダ語翻訳 中國語翻訳 韓國語翻訳 マレー語翻訳 インドネシア語翻訳 タイ語翻訳 ベトナム語翻訳 タガログ語翻訳   日本語翻訳
トルコ語翻訳 アラビア語翻訳 ヘブライ語翻訳 ペルシャ語翻訳


金融 経済 財務 會計 契約書    IT機器 情報機器 IT技術 情報技術     技術翻訳-電子 通信 化學 機械    醫(yī)學 醫(yī)療 醫(yī)薬 薬學 薬品化學    文化 社會 蕓術    コンピュータ・電気関連    特許・法律・技術・情報関連     論文 文獻 決算書・會社案內関連                         


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